Frequently Asked Questions

Is David's Christian Learning Center licensed?
Yes, we are licensed by the Department of Human Services. The Minnesota State Licensing Department, public health nurses, as well as fire and health inspectors regularly inspect David's to make sure we meet the state's standards. David's has general liability insurance through First American Insurance Services, Inc. of Minnesota.
Back to TopWhat are the admission requirements?
First of all, please know that David's will never discriminate in admissions based on race, sex, religion, disability, national or ethnic origin, or source of payment. The following are the steps required for admission:
- Pay the registration fee.
- Pay one-week tuition before your child's first day of attendance.
- You must provide an up-to-date immunization record for your child on or before the first day of attendance.
- Have a completed health care summary done by the child's doctor within 30 days of enrollment.
- Complete all forms requested by the State of Minnesota and David's Christian Learning Center before attending.
Are there any discounts available?
Yes. A multiple child discount of $15 will be given off the lowest applicable tuition rate when two or more children from one family are enrolled full time.
Back to TopAre snacks and meals provided?
All meals and snacks are included in the cost of tuition. Children must be here before 8:00 a.m. to receive breakfast, which consists of cereal, toast, waffles, oatmeal with milk, fruit, or juice. Lunch is catered from Lisa's Catering and served to all children in the Center at approximately 11:15 a.m. We also provide morning and afternoon snacks.
Back to TopAre immunizations and physical exams required to enroll?
Yes. Each child is required to have a physical upon admission. Each child must have all immunizations required by law for admission. Annual examinations are required when children move into the toddler and preschool programs. The Health Care Summary and Immunization record are due the first day of enrollment. Please keep the Center informed of immunization updates with a doctor's note stating the date of the immunization.
Back to TopHow does David's Christian Learning Center keep parents informed?
We keep you informed through daily notes and message boards within the classrooms, as well as information placed in parent files. We just ask that you check these areas daily to stay up-to-date. We also communicate through email announcements and this website. You will find links to curriculum, calendars, pictures, and Center news.
Back to TopAre there Parent/Teacher Conferences?
We schedule parent/teacher conferences twice a year at which time you will get a progress report from your child's teacher. The conference will include your child's intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development. They usually occur around the months of November and May.
Back to TopAre field trips scheduled for my child?
Yes, we have a fairly extensive summer program and try to plan field trips to be taken a couple of times per week. They can be as small as an outing to a local park or pool or as elaborate as Como Zoo or Hobby Farm. There is usually a summer field trip fee to be paid around June. The amount depends on the activities scheduled that particular year. Our aim is to schedule as many free events as possible to keep the costs down. Before any child can participate in a field trip event, written permission must be obtained from the parents before taking a child on a field trip. You will be presented with a written permission form before each field trip or on a form that annually summarizes all field trips.
Back to TopWhat happens if I need to withdraw my child?
Each child is enrolled for a 12-month period. We require a two-week written notice of withdrawal. The tuition will be collected prior to the child's last day.
Back to TopWhy would a child be excluded from attending?
We may terminate enrollment for the following reasons:
- Failure to follow center policies.
- Failure to pay tuition up to a two-week period.
- A determination that the center is not able to meet the needs of a child.
What is the procedure for picking up and dropping off my child?
You must sign in your child at their classroom by writing down the time you are dropping off your child. Under no circumstances should your child find his/her own way out of or into the center. Also, when you pick your child up, please be sure to sign your child out with the time (be sure the teacher knows you are leaving). This is a vital part of your child's safety at the Center. In case of an emergency, we rely on this information for head counts.
Back to TopWhat if I need someone else to pick up my child?
Please advise the teacher in writing if someone new will be picking up your child, and write down his/her name and phone number on the "Parents Notes" clipboard on the parent table. We'll need to know where they and you can be reached if necessary. Here are the procedures the person picking up your child can expect before we'll release your child to them:
- Written permission from the parent (on the Parent Note Clipboard).
- Picture identification must be provided by the person picking up your child.
- If, for some reason, you must give verbal permission, these steps are followed by the staff:
- A staff member will call you back to confirm that it was you who called.
- A staff member will confirm the name of the person picking up by checking their ID.
What happens if I pick my child up late?
The Center closes promptly at 6:00 p.m. Please be sure you pick your child up on time. If, for any reason, your child can not be picked up by then, you will be charged a late fee of $1.00 per minute after 6:00 p.m. This money is to be paid directly to the staff person who has stayed late. If you are unable to pay them that evening, you will be expected to have it the following morning. Failure to do so will result in an additional late fees assessed at a rate of $5.00 per day. In the event you are late, we will attempt to contact you or the person(s) on the Emergency Card by phone. If your child has not been picked up 45 minutes after closing time and we have not been able to reach anyone authorized to pick him or her up, we must then call the police and/or child protection services.
Back to TopWhen should my child be kept home due to illness?
Please do not send your child to David's if any of the following symptoms are present:
- Fever with a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above. A child must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication before returning to the Center.
- Vomiting. A child who has vomited one time. A child must not vomit for 24 hours before they can return.
- Diarrhea. A child who has had diarrhea one time. Your child must be diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning.
- Strep Throat. Child must be on medicine for 48 hours before returning to the Center.
- Impetigo. Must be on medication for 24 hours before returning and eyes must not be weepy or wet.
- Chicken Pox. Children must be excluded for seven (7) days from the Center and lesions must be crusted over.
- Untreated eye/ear discharge. A child with pink eye must be on medication for 24 hours and the eye is not pussy or mattering before they return to the Center.
- Head Lice. Must be treated with medicated shampoo. Personal items must be disinfected both at home and any items they have at the Center.
- Deep chest cough, green mucous, extraordinary physical discomfort, or any other contagious illness.
- Child looks or acts differently: unusually tired, pale, lacking appetite, confused, irritable.
- If your child is diagnosed with a communicable disease, you must notify the center immediately (within 24 hours). All parents will be notified of infectious or communicable diseases reported to the center on the Parent Information Board.